Leo Quayle

Leo is a registered professional environmental scientist (PrSciNat – Water Resources Science and Ecological Science) with 20 years’ experience and a broad interest in various environmental fields. He has worked locally and internationally as a project leader, ecosystems services and GIS specialist, biodiversity planner and as an aquatic ecologist. He has worked on a number of environmental management projects focusing on risk and vulnerability assessment with a focus on land degradation and climate change, biodiversity conservation and management and environmental information management. He has also worked extensively in the aquatic ecological space focusing on water quality, river health and biomonitoring and their links to ecosystem services. He has a strong interest in developing spatially intelligent software to support environmental management.

Partners and clients

GeoNest works with a number of partners and clients across a range of sectors. In all our work, we gratefully acknowledge the support and guidance of colleagues and project partners from:

Eco-Pulse, RSI, Greenways, Pegasys, JG Afrika, Serumula, Native Seed, DUCT, SANBI, WWF, Quartex, Groundtruth, Institute of Natural Resources, Bahori Consulting, WeAct